
every seven seconds?!?

so today i was listening to 90.9 Air One..I recommend everyone listen to it. They play awesome music. 
well anyways...today they were having people call in and pledge a certain amount of money, for instance, 13$ can feed one kid for a whole month! Only thirteen dollars!!! Guys that's like two hours of working. 
They also  mentioned that one kid dies of starvation every seven seconds! SEVEN! That is unbelievable. 
After hearing that, and visualizing something so horrid in my mind I knew that God was telling me to give of myself to help some of those kids in need. 
I may not be able to feed five or six but if I can change only one life with such a simple gift I will do what I can. Those kids need to know that God has love for them. 

I've decided to give a certain amount per month, I know that it might not be easy for you guys to give anything financially but please at least pray for these kids. They're moms are having to force their kids to eat mud because their stomaches are eating themselves. 

Please act guys. We can each help one. Together we can help them all. 

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